In light of the impending reduction of COVID 19 restrictions and the expected corresponding increase in economic and social activity, the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) is urging all Jamaicans to remain vigilant and proactive about adhering to the relevant protocols.
PSOJ President Keith Duncan in commenting on the approaching relaxation of measures said, “We must all take the responsibility that we have been given very seriously as the risk remains high due to the low rate of vaccination of our population and the new variants that continue to emerge globally which will eventually enter Jamaica through our borders.”
“Everyone, especially those in the entertainment and creative sectors from the round-robin event at the community level through to the large event promoters and those attending these events has a responsibility to ensure that the room that the Government has given to the sector is managed in a disciplined and structured manner,” said Duncan.
While the PSOJ expects that the supply chain of vaccines will begin to unlock and based on the Government’s efforts through the Ministry of Health and Wellness, additional vaccines should become available in August, as a people we need continued vigilance until we are able to achieve population immunity.
Globally, every country faces the risk of more contagious variants, and it is therefore critical that we be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers in holding ourselves accountable.
The Organisation takes this opportunity to remind Jamaicans, whether fully vaccinated or not, to cooperate with the guidelines and to ensure consistent compliance with the safety protocols – wearing of masks, hand washing and sanitizing, and keeping the required 6 feet distancing and working from home where possible.