It was my distinct pleasure, honour, and privilege to have served as President for the last three years. When I started this journey in 2019, I could not have imagined that a global pandemic was on the horizon.
However, despite the unprecedented challenges brought on by the pandemic and other issues, The PSOJ has been able to step up to the plate to play an integral and pivotal role in the recovery of the Jamaican economy.
The PSOJ moved in a decisive manner from advocacy into action by supporting the establishment of the Covid-19 Economic Recovery task force and providing leadership in developing protocols for moving the economy to the full opening of the economy, which has seen a remarkable recovery.
The PSOJ led and partnered with the GoJ and other private sector bodies and entities in executing projects like E-Commerce National Delivery Solution (ENDS) which met a real need for consumers and saw many businesses being able to open for business and many employees able to earn an income.
The PSOJ, through the Access To Finance Facilitation Panel (AFFP), supported small businesses through its Covid-Cast programme among several successful virtual conferences, which supported small businesses in managing through the pandemic and getting back on their feet.
The PSOJ also lead in targeting the more vulnerable and the needs of the Health Sector through projects like the PSOJ COVID-19 Response Fund, Purchase of Ventilators, SafeSpot Child and Teen Helpline, Connect A Child and the Private Sector Vaccine Initiative (PSVI). Through the Private Sector, we mobilised over $675 million in funding during the period to cushion the impact and enable the country’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through your selfless support, our committees and working groups, The PSOJ have remained true to our mandate – “Advocacy To Action”.
A focus of the PSOJ has been human capital development as Jamaica requires a healthy, educated and empowered citizenry to drive the growth of the Jamaican economy, building on the strong macro-economic foundation we have achieved as a Country.
The social and economic transformation of underdeveloped communities, vulnerable and violent communities must be a priority, and we are well underway with the execution of Project STAR. I am exceedingly grateful to you,
our members, who demonstrated your commitment to reclaiming our country and have invested in our social and economic transformation programme – Project STAR.
As a past president, I will continue to own and deliver on this PSOJ signature project in partnership with the Jamaica Constabulary Force over the next four years. I am confident that we will get the support from you, our members with ‘the whole a wi” approach as we collaborate with the GoJ, Social practitioners, NGOs and most importantly, the citizens of the targeted Communities in the execution of this hugely important and impactful project.
While there is much more to be done as we endeavour to build on the promise of our great nation, I am confident that The PSOJ will continue to be a strident voice for our nation, advocating and working towards inclusive and equitable growth.
It was an honour and privilege to have worked with the Executive, Council and Officers of the PSOJ. I thank them for their unwavering support of my presidency and for sharing their expertise in serving Jamaica and the PSOJ. Special thanks to all our Committee Chairs and the Secretariat, who remain pivotal in focusing on key strategic areas to improve our competitiveness as a country. To the next President, I am confident you have a competent team ready to support you in your endeavours to lead The PSOJ’s mandate of building a competitive and productive private sector that drives national development.
Keith Duncan
President 2020-2022