PSOJ Calls for Consultation on Proposed Sugar Cess
Kingston, Jamaica:
The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) notes the concerns expressed by the Hon. Lascelles Chin and the Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA), both of whom have opposed the proposed cess on imported sugar.
Specifically, Mr. Chin’s concern, which is echoed by the JMA, speaks to the crippling effect that the cess could have on local manufacturing and the significant number of jobs that could be impacted, and as one of Jamaica’s largest manufacturers, we take his concern seriously. Furthermore, we note the JMA’s concerns that the reasons being put forward for the cess may not be fully substantiated.
The PSOJ also supports the position put forward by the JMA, which looks at how to effectively deal with the problem of leakage and traceability of the imported sugar for the local market.
It is important to understand that we are in a competitive market structure, and hence the imposition of a cess would reverse the process of trying to create a competitive market under the current economic programme.
The PSOJ urges Minister Kellier to consult with the various stakeholders, especially those in the manufacturing sector, before taking any proposed action. This is important as any incorrect decision could be fatal to that industry at a time when we must achieve economic growth and increased employment if we are to successfully transform the economy.
Contact: Ms. Kareen Cox, Marketing & Public Relations Manager
Email: kareenc@psoj.org
Tel: 927-6238 (Ext. 2052); Fax 978-2709