Kingston, Jamaica:
The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) condemns the brazen attack and brutal killing of three members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (PSOJ) this morning.
PSOJ President Keith Duncan expressed dismay at the incident, “All well thinking Jamaicans must see this tragic incident not just as an attack on the members of the JCF but as an attack on general law and order and ultimately on the people of Jamaica. I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of these police officers while fulfilling their duty to serve and protect. On behalf of the PSOJ, I extend deep condolences to their families and colleagues and pray for the full recovery of the injured officers.”
This pervasive and wanton lawlessness cannot and should not be allowed to continue. This attack is the latest flare up of symptoms of a disease that needs every single Jamaican to come together to heal. The time is now for the people of Jamaica to take a stand once and for all against crime and violence.
Our collective approach to manage the spread of the COVID-19 disease demonstrates that a national response and coordination is attainable, therefore, there can be no further justifiable hindrances to applying a similar approach to reduce crime and violence. In this regard, we reiterate our previous and urgent calls for the Government and the Opposition to come together on this chronic issue and lead in a collaborative and organised manner and we call on all Jamaicans to hold them accountable to the task.
The PSOJ reaffirms its commitment to support the work being done by the security forces who are charged with the responsibility of serving and protecting all Jamaicans.