The PSOJ acknowledges the substantial progress made by the government of Jamaica in establishing the stability of our economy and taking positive steps towards growth. Equally, we are sensitive to the painful sacrifices which all Jamaicans have had to make along the path to recovery.
In this context, we welcome and endorse the strategy for management of a flexible exchange rate regime by means of a focus on the rate of inflation rather than on the movement of the exchange rate itself. In doing so we are constrained to also call on all well-thinking Jamaicans to refrain from speculative and narrow self-serving activity in the financial market which may have the effect of impeding the success of the national effort to stabilize the FX Market.
The PSOJ believes in the tremendous potential that would be unleashed by a stable FX Market and its consequential release of the state’s ability to increase its inputs into areas of growth and development. The PSOJ is encouraging its members to continue to act with discipline and responsibility in managing their FX trading so as to assist the Bank of Jamaica in the establishment of its flexible exchange rate regime.
Contact: Ms. Chloleen Daley-Muschett
Email: chloleenm@psoj.org
Tel: 927-6238 (Ext. 2051); Fax 978-2709