The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) supports the call by Professor Anthony Harriott, Head of the Police Civilian Oversight Committee (POCA), for the separation of MOCA from the JCF. Professor Harriott’s argument is based on the correct observation that there is too much structurally wrong with the JCF, and a lack of accountability and effective management within the JCF.
While we are in full support of this observation, we at the PSOJ would have hoped that more of these calls would have been made years ago; when it was obvious that we were heading to the level of lawlessness that permeates our society.
We encourage calls like these to be made, not only by POCA, but all other well-thinking stakeholders in the society. All those who are in the position of authority and responsibility, which should contribute to the safety and order of the society, must also speak out about these issues. As a country, we cannot afford to have the responsible authorities remain silent on these issues they have responsibility for.
The PSOJ, therefore, commends Professor Harriott for this honest statement and believes that if we adopt this attitude then we can establish proper accountability and order in the society.
For further information contact:
Nickeshia Lindsay
Marketing and Public Relations Manager
Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica
39 Hope Road
Kingston 10,
Tel: (876) 927-6957/349-0128
Email: nickeshial@psoj.org